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| | | jduprey | September 23rd, 2004
Current Mood: happy
The people at SlickEdit have released Visual SlickEdit for OS-X. Iâve used SlickEdit for many years on Solaris and Linux. Its the best C++ IDE Iâve found for âNIX platforms. It has features similar to Microsoftâs Visual Studio. It really excels in its contextual parser (tagger) which provides contextual hints while you are coding and makes it easy to jump to the right spot in your code. If you work on large projects and donât have a photographic memory, this is a very useful feature.
The Mac version looks identical to the Solaris and Linux versions. Thatâs because its still an X-Window application. I was somewhat disappointed to hear this. I was drooling at the thought of a Carbon/Cocoa SlickEdit with all its candy-coated goodness. Still, better to have an X-Window version now, than wait even longer for a full-on Mac version.
For those Mac users out there that code, I recommend you try it out. Youâll have to RTFM because there are a lot of features youâll miss otherwise. Most features are configurable. I particularly like the code beautifier which is pretty customizable.
The down side is the price. Its $270.00 (US) + $60.00 (US) per year of maintenance. Thatâs pretty steep if you arenât a commercial developer. I forked over the dough for the Linux version several years ago but Iâm not so sure Iâll do it for this Mac version. I plan to give XCode one last go, but Iâm not crazy about its editing power or its code completion. The up side to SlickEditâs price tag is that the $60/year gets you all upgrades/fixes/support for the year.
SlickEdit also runs on Windows. I personally think they should switch their GUI to TrollTechâs QT. QT is used by KDE and many cross-platform apps. Right now, it looks like they are using Motif or perhaps their own GUI lib.
Has anyone found a better cross-platform (or at least âNIX-based) complete IDE for C++? If youâre a Java developer, Eclipse is one of the best IDEâs around - followed by NetBeans. No?
Here are some screen shots of the Mac version of SlickEdit:
*[September 23rd, 2004]: 2004-09-23T00:33:00+03:00